Kit Journal
week one

April 12 1998, 10am: Went out to studio to check on fur family, could only see 3 of the 5 kits. I moved the mama into our small travel crate and searched the bedding, found both kits pushed to the side, they were very cold but still squeeking. I warmed them with my hands and added them to the pile of squeeking siblings. I then placed Li'lHoney back with her kits and went in search of better bedding.

10:30am: Returned with clean bedding to find she had pushed 2 kits off to the side again, it is doubtful they will survive if she refuses to feed them. We can only pray that she decides to raise them. Force feeding appears impossible, they are so small I would be afraid of harming them in the attempt.

Noon: Checked on fur family before lunch, they were ALL uder the blanket w/ mom, they appeared to be feeding. It was hard to tell as mama's a bit nippy, we're going to leave them be for a bit so that she relaxes, But I think they're all going to be fine.

6pm: Went out and refreshed the water, gave Li'l Honey her carrot bits and checked on the kits, they are still all together, active and sqeeking, mama's still nippy but not drawing blood

Midnight: Went to make sure the room temperature was acceptable as it is so cold tonight, found it a bit too warm so I dropped the heat, We put her in a small nesting box earlier and they were all curled up together, w/ mama sleeping while the kits were feeding.

April 13 1998, 9am: Fur family is fine, when I first tried to call Li'l Honey out all I got was the tip of her nose. "If you think that I'm going to fall for the Nutri-treat again so you can see my babies, NOT!!, Well, maybe just a taste, or two." We will be having a photo session later today, we hope to have pictures up by the end of the week, and Patrick is bringing home a kitchen scale so we can weigh them.

Noon: Did a food and water check and cleaned the litter box, Li'l Honey is doing a bit better with people round. She did a few warning runs a me but did not nip. She does little rush feedings, she comes running out of the box, dashes to her dishes, eats and drinks as fast as possible and runs back to her kits. I got quite a giggle watching her today. She is turning out to be a great mom, I would rather have her nip in their defense than refuse to care for them.

6pm: Lynne and Lorne came by today to sneak a peak at the kits. They brought Bandit with them, he is such a big healthy boy! Li'l Honey handled the visit very well, she spent a few minutes with Poltergeist while everybody had a quick look. She seemed almost glad for the break. We just finished our first photo session with the babes, I think we got some great pictures which will be posted by the end of the week.

April 14 1998, 9am: When Li'l Honey had her false pregnancy earlier this year she couldn't get enough 'duck soup' today she just turned her nose up at it. She is still eating her dry kibble (IAMS) so I am not concerned, I just thought it was weird y'know? The fur family was happy and suckling while mama slept, she has made a pile of dry food right outside the door so that she doesn't have to walk the 2 inches to the food dish and was sleeping with her head right on top of the pile, so cute!

Noon: Went out and sexed the kits, we have 3 boys and 2 girls! They are so cute, I am going to see if there is a safe way to mark them, so I know which is which when I weigh them. When I tried to load this page at 9am Geocities was down. We are trying to keep to a scheduale so forgive us for any delays.

6pm:Did a food and water check, I actually got my first close look at a kit nursing They really get right in there! We didn't get to weigh them today and I am still trying to find a safe way to mark them. We will be takeing more pictures tomorrow, again we hope to have them posted by the end of the week. We gave the kits an entry on our 'Nursery' page today, check it out!

Midnight: Did our bedtime check and Patrick got his first really good look at the kits, it was a great moment. Li'l Honey is starting to relax, and other than being a little demanding when she asks for the Nutri-Treat, she is being very tolerant of our interaction with the kits.

April 15 1998, 9am: Popped out for my morning visit with mama n' kits, all was quiet, Li'l Honey heard me coming and popped out of the box. For the first time the kits didn't start squeeking as soon as she left, I was a little worried so I took a quick peek. They were all in a tiny ferret pile sound asleep, I am amazed at how much they have already grown. They are still tiny, but they are so solid and active! They're fur feels like crushed velvet it is so soft.

Noon: Still trying to find a kitchen scale so I can weigh the little guys, and I'm not haveing much luck. They are growing quickly and I really don't want to fall too far behind. I think I will go to town myself tomorrow and see what I can find. They were squeeking like little geese went I refilled mama's water and gave her some carrot bits. They had slipped out of the bedding so I re-adjusted them and made sure they were comfy.

6pm: I found a kitchen scale, but it was very old and really didn't give an accurate reading. Li'l Honey is getting used to our new routine, she was sitting waiting for me this evening, I think she is enjoying the extra attention. There was no need to wake the kits so I left them be.

April 16 1998, 9am: Did morning check, I changed water and cleaned the letter box. Removed Li'l Honey and pulled the kits out for another photo session. I noticed that she hasn't been cleaning them and had to remove dried bits of poop from their behinds. I will check to make sure they are clean from now on. I got a couple of pictures of Li'l Honey as well. Posting will be intermittent today as it is Patricks Birthday!

Midnight: What a long day! I managed to keep to the ferrets scheduale but I missed a couple of posts. It was one of those ' if anything can go wrong it will ' days. I tell you, ferrets sure help to brighten me up at the end of the day. Li'l Honey and kits are as happy as usual the babes are so sweet. Amy Flemming told me how to check and see if they are albinos or not and they are all dark eyed. When I sexed them the other day I tried to do it by head size but had no luck, after I had sexed them and looked at the hobs in comparison to the jills I could see the difference in the heads.

April 17 1998, 9am: Patrick and I did the morning rounds together today. We made a discovery! Li'l Honey does NOT like changes in her routine. She refused to put more than her nose out of the nesting box at first and we had to coax her with the Nutri-Treat. Everyone was fine and all little bottoms were clean this morning. Took a look at Polly this morning and she is getting quite a belly, I still cannot be sure if she is going to false or not, we will just have to wait and see.

Noon: Checked on Li'l Honey before going to town. I am going to have to make her sit still so that I can examine her tomorrow. She appears to have some discharge and is nippier than usual. The kits are fine and were sleeping when I left.

April 18 1998, 9am: Finally got hold of Li'l Honey, I suspect she has an infection, and her abdomen is very swollen, it was not this swollen yesterday. Our vet Dr.Gastis is on his way to examine her (he comes to the house) I will post the results of his exam later today, stay tuned and pray that antibiotics will be all that is needed.

2:30pm: Dr.Gastis just left, everyone is fine! The swelling was simply from the increased pressure the kits are applying as they nurse, the more they grow the more pressure there is. She does have a discharge, but it is her uteris flushing itself out, and is nothing serious. I felt a little silly but it is better to be safe than sorry!

6pm: Went out and changed the water and litter boxes, Li'l Honey came out and 'helped' (grin) so it took a little longer than usual. I am glad that she has relaxed enough with her kits to come out and play for awhile. The kits are fine, they get bigger every day!

Midnight: Did our bedtime check and all were sleeping, Patrick poked his head in and sang 'Happy Birthday' to them. They are now one week old and everyone is fine. I am going to take some more photos tomorrow.
