The Complete Ferret Book Chapter 3


To start with you must purchase the cage. Cages can be found at most of the larger pet stores or if you have the

time you can build a cage. Homebuilt cages are often harder to keep clean , and beacause most people build them

from wood they can transmit disease. I recomend a purchasing a cage , in the long run you'll be glad you did. Once

you have purchased ,or built ,the cage and you know it's size you can decide where your pet will live. The cage does

not have to be in the same room that you ferret proof for play, even so you must make sure that nothing can be

reached from within the cage and that nothing could fall onto the cage. It is important that you have a few old

towels and some old sweatshirts or t-shirts for bedding. Your ferret will love to have something soft to curl up within

and his bedding will have to be changed every few days. For your food and water dishes I reccomend a water bottle

with a food dish securly fastened to the cage. As I have mentioned before ferrets are very playful and an

unfastened food dish is an empty food dish. For the same reason the litter box must also be secured. Always make

sure the litter box is on the opposite side of the cage from the food and water, this prevents dirty litter from

contaminating them.

Your next step is ferret proofing the play area, as I stated in chapter 2 there should be a minimum amount of

furniture. Recliners, rockers and sofa beds often result in tragedy. Ferrets have a habit of digging their way into

your furniture, retreiving them can be difficult. Also if your pet gets into the furniture there is the possibility they

could be sat upon and injured,or even killed. All power cords, ornaments, and plants must be out of reach. Ferrets

love to climb so out of reach means WAY out of reach. Again if it is at all possible try to give your ferret his own

room to avoid this. Corner litter pans are also a necessity. A ferret usually prefers to use a corner for the

washroom so to start with place a low pan in each corner. After a while they will choose a couple of spots they

prefer to use and you can move the pans accordingly.

Now you can worry about food, toys etc... There are many different foods on the market and making a choice can

be difficult, I reccomend ' IAMS KITTEN' with Nutri-treat supplement, our babies have lovely soft coats and are

very healthy. Do not feed your ferret inexpensive or generic cat food, they do not have the nescessary nutrients

and your fuzzie's health could suffer.

Our final topic before I give you a complete list of supplies is toy safety. This is basically the same it is for small

children. Make sure there are no small bits your ferret could choke on or swallow.Make sure your ferret can not

rip the toy apart . Small bits and pieces of foriegn material will get lodged in your pets intestine and cause blockage

and death, at the least you will be in for a very expensive surgery.(Better safe than sorry)


1) cage

2) bedding & towels

3) brush

4) nailclippers

5) mild shampoo

6) food dishes

7) water bottle

8) stuffy & squeaky toys

9) harness & leash

10) food

11) treats

12) litter

13) litter trays

The Complete Ferret Book chapter 4

An Introduction to Ferrets