Ferret Show

Well folks we made it! For a while it seemed as if Spectre and I would not have a ride to the Seattle show, But thanks to the kindness of Muriel and Calvin in Victoria we were there. The day started with a 4 am wake up call, then getting our selves and our fuzzies ready to catch the ferry to Vancouver.

We arrived a little late for the show and things were already underway. There were not as many people as I had expected but the amount of ferrets more than made up for the lack of people in attendance.

This was my first ferret show and quite a learning experience, I entered Spectre in the Blaze/Panda class and we walked away with 7 th place.

The judges were great and much care was taken to prevent the transmition of diseases. Overall I was impressed with the way the show was handled, I had a wonderful time and I'll be back next year, "Look out Sheena! I'll be right behind you in the breeders showcase!" (grin)

Thanks to all of the judges!, Dawn Smith, Debbie Coburn and Crystal Smith Flown in from the east coast USA. Cheryll Athorp from Canada. Suni Killfoil from California. And of course President of the LOS in Washington Sharon Bowman. All judges are certified LIFE (League of Independant Ferret Enthusiasts) judges and recieve no pay for their time. 
Ferret Show
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